Personal Injury

Vicevich Law and its experienced injury lawyers pride themselves on helping victims of physical harm resulting from the negligent actions of another party. We represent clients in injury claims involving accidents, car crashes, slip and fall accidents, dangerous and defective products, medical malpractice, and wrongful death. We offer a free initial consultation and case review.  Personal injury cases are handled on a contingency basis, which means we are not paid a fee unless you receive a financial recovery.

If you have sustained an injury attributable to another individual or business entity, early legal intervention in formulating a winning case is crucial. Call our law offices today to discuss your claim and get help recovering damages for your harm and losses suffered.

Personal injury law is complex. Attempting to pursue a claim without assistance might further complicate a case and jeopardize your ability to receive adequate compensation. Dedicated attorneys at Vicevich Law can help pursue all available legal avenues to protect interests and to hold accountable those responsible for the injuries. In addition, we can help deal with other interested parties in personal injury cases, like insurance companies and employers. When a person suffers serious physical harm, it can create immediate economic hardships due to the inability to work and mounting medical bills. Moreover, it can wreak havoc on finances, emotions, and personal relationships.  It is imperative to consult a personal injury attorney at Vicevich Law. Vicevich Law has experience with any challenges or hurdles in these complicated matters.


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